Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Offline Questionnaire Form Filling Process | Yop Services (India, MP, Ujjain)

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Offline Questionnaire Form Filling Process | Yop Services (India, MP, Ujjain)

Offline Questionnaire form filling Process, Free Form filling for people, Data collection, No quality ,field work,No rejection criteria *purpose of company to do this survey is to Have the data base as well as to attract the general public company will also provide the, gifts to the lucky customers. *hard copy will be provided by the company Billing Monthly. Agreement Direct Yop Services Payout per Form 15 Rs/- District & State Wise Work Available, All India Available 8109838222, 8982415062, 9039075222 Location - India, MP, Ujjain Yop Services EC-14, Scheme No.94, Opp. Billion Bazaar, Bombay Hospital Circle, Indore, 452009 yopindore015@gmail.com 9039075222




Sunday, 9 November 2014

Offline Questionnaire Form Filling Process | Yop Services (India, MP, Ujjain)

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Offline Questionnaire Form Filling Process | Yop Services (India, MP, Ujjain)

Offline Questionnaire form filling Process, Free Form filling for people, Data collection, No quality ,field work,No rejection criteria *purpose of company to do this survey is to Have the data base as well as to attract the general public company will also provide the, gifts to the lucky customers. *hard copy will be provided by the company Billing Monthly. Agreement Direct Yop Services Payout per Form 15 Rs/- District & State Wise Work Available, All India Available Location - India, MP, Ujjain Yop Services EC-14, Scheme No.94, Opp. Billion Bazaar, Bombay Hospital Circle, Indore, 452009 yopindore015@gmail.com 9039075222




Monday, 3 November 2014

Packaging Companies in India

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Packaging Companies in India

Uflex Ltd. is one of the largest Plastic Packaging Manufacturers. Uflex offers Flexible plastic packaging and sustainable packaging solutions most innovative and eco friendly way. Packaging companies in India, Plastic Packaging Companies, Plastic Packaging Manufacturers, Bopet Film Manufacturers, Flexible plastic packaging. Industries are meant for the creation of wealth and developing of an economy. However, there is one industry that has a unique role of wealth creation both through its manufacturing activities and also by way of preserving the wealth or value generated in many other industries, it is the packaging industry. Packaging was once considered a part of the manufacturing process and not as a separate industry as it is today. Over a period of time packaging emerged as a crucial segment of any economy in proportion to the growth-both in terms of its business size and technical competence. Contact Us :- 305, Third Floor, Bhanot Corner, Pamposh Enclave, Greater Kailash - I, NEW DELHI-110048 Phone Nos. : 91-11-26440917, 26440925 Fax No. : 91-11-26216922 E-mail : feedback@uflexltd.com Website: uflexltd-packaging.com


