Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Hepatitis C Genotype 1 & Our Treatment , Indo German Hospital, Khanna

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Hepatitis C Genotype 1 & Our Treatment , Indo German Hospital, Khanna

Hepatitis C with viral genotype 1 is considered more difficult to treat than genotype 2 & 3 ; genotype 1 may also cause more severe liver disease than other genotypes . This is as per modern medical science .While Homoeopathy deals without any side effect and gives the patient a new life. The RNA count was 44,49,484 Iu/ml. So, the case [patient ] ,a handsome lad File No. 15553 ,aged 20 years came to us on August 25 with the above report. Accordingly we referred for fresh LFT for further evaluation of the current position We found from the report that his SGOT & GGT was very high. We took the case. He had pain in the hepatic region and uneasiness in whole of abdomen. appetite diminished . There were stomatitis , gingivitis. He was having headache almost all the times but used to aggravate with least sun heat or light. Dark stool and yellow urine. Series of hiccough any time for minutes together. Medicine was given to him for one month with some food restrictions. After one month when he came to report looked very much fresh. most of his prominent sufferings like Headache ,hiccough ,stomatitis & gingivitis had gone. only partial heaviness of abdomen & pain remained. After physical examination he was given medicine. Thus treatment went on. Four months of our treatment the patient was referred for recheck of HCV RNA with quantitative real time PCR. It is found from the report that count has fallen down 34.5 million. The count was 14,80,756.Treatmenr is continuing. It is not far away off the patient will see the sunrise again in his life. ..




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